Melissa Paris Fitness

Take It To Go

by Emily Jane

"HANGER" [noun] - A state of anger or immense irritation caused by lack of sufficient nourishment. Symptoms include, but are not limited to: Drowsiness, irritability, shorter than average fuse with spouse or partner, headaches, fatigue, and the overwhelming desire to use expletives as your primary source of communication.

It's worth noting, that the aforementioned symptoms are easily remedied, and no matter what WebMD tells you, you do not have dementia, mononucleosis, congestive heart failure, or cocaine abuse side effects. Step away from Google. You are just hangry. Read more...

Active Fusion Nutrition

by Melissa Paris

Want to wake up refreshed, ready to go, and prepared to conquer the world? Members of the Melissa Paris Fitness Community always feel our best when we are well slept, hydrated, exercised, and filling our body with REAL, WHOLE, Foods! Read more...

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