Melissa Paris Fitness

First Date

by Melissa Paris

The idea of a babysitter with my newborn FIRST child, are you out of your mind?!?! After much convincing from my husband that we needed a night out alone, we had a dear friend watch our son at 8 weeks post birth. My hubby, Geraldo, planned a great night out to a jazz club in the West Village with casual cocktails closer to home after. Read more...

Meet Me

by Melissa Paris

So if you read my birth story you will already know that it did not go as planned. I like to consider myself a laid back person and I tend to roll with the punches. I was not that girl that walked into the hospital with a written out plan for my labor BUT I did think I would be able to have a vaginal birth. Well, that DID NOT happe; but it is OK because I have a healthy, happy, handsome little boy. Read more...

Balancing Act

by Melissa Paris

Between feeding, pumping, crying and soothing, coordinating with husband/nanny/friends/family, and then everyday life, work, maintenance, planning meals, and workouts----I think to myself “DAM what did I do with all my time before”. I sometimes don’t realize how sleep deprived I am until I pay for a coffee and leave it on the counter of Starbucks and walk out OR leave my cell phone in a cab. But somehow it all gets done, everyone goes to sleep happy (or at least for a few hours since my 9 week old wakes up 2 times to feed), and what doesn’t get done just stays on the to do list Read more...

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