Aug 05, 2013
What’s All The Beef About Beef?
You are what you eat! If you eat grain-fed cows, you eat everything that they have consumed before they hit the supermarkets. Which means you are eating antibiotics and hormones that they are fed to prevent them from getting diseases and infections. Sounds like a good meal right? Next time you go to the supermarket or local farmer's market, check out the grass-fed beef if you haven't already. Make sure to always carefully read label before you make your purchase! Spend the few extra dollars on grass-fed beef and really notice the difference it makes on your health and life.
Just a few notes:
“Organic” beef: this label indicates that no pesticides were used on the pastureland, the animals did not receive antibiotics or growth hormones, they had unrestricted outdoor access, and were treated humanely. Keep in mind that unless it also says “grass fed,” the cows still probably ate corn in their feed–though it should have been organic.
"All-natural" beef: Doesn't mean a thing. It's just a marketing ploy!
Source: lettherebebite
-Eats from a pasture
-Is not “finished” on a diet of grains and additional supplements for weight gain
-Is said to be better than the environment (easier to grow grass than grain)
-Less overall fat,and slightly more omega-3’s and other good fats
-Higher levels of CLAs (helps lower LDL cholesterol, lowers the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers)
-Contains more antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals (vitamin E, beta-carotene, zinc, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium)
-Cows live a better life eating grass and is more humane
-Since grass-fed cows are leaner, they have less total fat
-More expensive than grain-fed
-Harder to find in mainstream supermarkets, you would have to find them at local farmer’s markets or buy directly at a farm
-Some say they have a “grassy”, tough taste
Check out these restaurants for some grass-fed deliciousness!
Keep in mind that even though the label may read “grass-fed” it does not mean that it was fed grass it’s entire life. Sometimes cows are fed grain their entire life, and THEN finished off with grass. Check for the American Grassfed Association label on the package
-Lean grain-fed cows (90 percent or greater) also have low levels of unhealthy fat
-Cheaper and available all year round
-Is known for a tasty, marbled, fatty meat with a smooth and consistent flavor
-Fed antibiotics and hormones
-Cramped in small living conditions with no access to the outdoors
-Dirty and over-crowded living conditions
-Doesn’t have as much nutrients as grass-fed
Check here to know what kind of lean meat to buy
So… grain fed or grass fed?