Melissa Paris Fitness

Jan 10, 2014

Snack Attack!

by Melissa Paris

Banish the sweet and salty cravings with these 5 healthy snack recipes.

Baked Carrots with Honey Drizzle
Peel and slice some carrots, 1/2 cap of olive oil and drizzle small amount of honey on top, add pepper, bake in the oven for 20 mins and voila! A delicious sweet/savory and slightly crunchy snack.

These will fill you up for hours. Slice an avocado in half and add a PINCH of salt and sugar. You can either slice into pieces or scooper right out with a spoon.

Steamed Edemame with Sea Salt
Steam fresh edemame and sprinkle with a little (LITTLE) sea salt.

Scoop up a handful of flaxseeds if you’re in the mood for something to crunch on

Dark Chocolate
One small bar ( 1 ounce) a day will satisfy your cravings for sweets and give you a load of antioxidants.

Air-popped Corn with lemon and sea salt
Squeeze a little lemon juice and sprinkle some sea salt over freshly air popped popcorn - for a light, zesty snack

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