Mar 13, 2014
Not A Drop To Spare!
A few weeks back I received an email from the well-known water brand Icelandic Glacial. They are doing an intriguing and very stimulating campaign called “Pursue Your Passion” and asked me to take part.
Before I dive into the details on pursuing your passion and how sumptuous Icelandic Glacial Water is, lets discuss YOUR hydration.
Water MAKES up 60-70 percent of your bodyweight! Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues. How do you know you’re getting enough? A general rule of thumb I use, drink half your body weight in ounces, for example if you weigh 100 lbs. you should be aiming for 50 ounces.
Some Tips On Your Water Intake
— During heavy exercise in a hot environment, drink two to four glasses of cool fluids every hour.
— For every beer/wine/cocktail OR caffeinated beverage drink one more glass of water on top of your required amount for your weight.
— In normal workout conditions for your environment and activity stay hydrated before your workout drinking 20 ounces of water, 15 minutes before you begin drinking between 8 and 10 ounces of water, and during your workout drink another 8 ounces every 15 minutes.
(I know it sounds complicated…JUST DRINK UP!) *Numbers are approximate depending on activity level and bodyweight.
Why NOT drink the Best?
Icelandic Glacial water is sourced right out of its local spring Ölfus Spring, that is “continuously replenished by a gradual filtration of rainfall and snowmelt over uninhabited and untouched lava fields”
What does this mean for you?
Unadulterated PURENESS.
~It has a RARE high alkalinity of 8.4
~Naturally free of impurities
~UV disinfection
~They use 100% natural green energy
Live a Purposeful Passionate Powerful Life
Whether you are passionate about fitness, the environment, sewing, skiing, books, or party planning they all have the same thing in common…it LIGHTS your FIRE. You don’t have to quit your good paying day job to fulfill the burning desire to be the best fashion blogger or photograph animals. Rather I find it important to find time to put these things into your life.
It’s not a recommendation it’s a call to action to live an EPIC life. Sign up for that cooking class, roll out that yoga mat that’s in the back of the closet, OR start writing that book….whatever it is that gets you excited, makes you jump out of bed in the morning, or keeps you running without coffee DO IT!
Many of you are signed up for my newsletter or read more blog because you either took my class, I see you one-on-one, or we crossed paths in the wellness world. If your passion is in strength and fitness I encourage you to see what Icelandic Glacial water is doing with YOUR PASSION.