Melissa Paris Fitness

Jul 19, 2013

It’s Getting Hot In Herre!

by Jessica Moy

What is heat Exhaustion and HOW to Avoid it...

The summertime can be deadly. With staggering high temperatures and extreme humidity, it's hard to step outside without sweating buckets. We have to remember that we are only human, and prolonged periods of exercising or being outdoors can lead to heat exhaustion or even heat stroke. Your body is typically about 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. But if you add exercise in the mixture, it can rise up to three degrees higher! To cool down, we sweat. But when sweating doesn't cut it, we become dehydrated, dizzy, super sweaty and weak. If you don't take care of your body, it can result to fainting and heat stroke. And I wouldn't want you guys to faint, how are you supposed to make it to class?! Here are the steps to keep your body happy, well hydrated, and (less) sweat free!

Start off by DRINKING WATER! (surprise surprise)
Even if you don’t feel thirsty, your body CRAVES it when you exercise. And sweating is a sign that you need to start drinking water. The more you sweat, the more you should drink. To hydrate your body even more, especially when you workout for more than an hour, you can drink water with added electrolytes like Smart Water. When you sweat your body exerts fluids AND electrolytes. You may ask, Missy what the heck are electrolytes? To simplify, electrolytes (which include sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, and calcium) help maintain bodily functions to prevent cramping.

Wear thin, light clothes
Working out in thick, dark colored clothes will most likely increase your chance of heat exhaustion. Not only that, but working out in sweaty clothes will interfere with your body’s ability to cool itself down because it sticks to your skin, and can also cause a heat rash… sounds pretty unpleasant if you ask me.

It’s okay to take a rest!
Stop exercising and take a few moments to cool yourself down. Sounds like common knowledge, right? I tend to get intense and focused when I work out, so sometimes its hard to take a moment to rest. But know your body’s limits and don’t overwork yourself to exhaustion! Take care of your body and your body will take care of you. Simple as that.

Work out in the mornings or late evenings
Plan to workout outdoors during the coolest time of the day, which is either during the morning or late evenings. The peak sun intensity hours usually falls between 10 a.m. to 4 pm. If you are in the sun, be sure to wear sunscreen to prevent sunburn, which can limit the skin’s ability to cool down. Also, instead of running on blacktops, take the scenic route and adventure through trails!

Don’t ignore these steps, otherwise it can lead to HEAT STROKE
Heat stroke is predicable and preventable. But if you don’t take these necessary precautions, you may be at risk for a heat stroke, which can be fatal. In the event that it does occur, have someone take you or the victim to a cool shady immediately, remove unnecessary clothing, give them water and call for medical assistance. Signs of heat stroke include lack of sweat or cold sweat, muscle weakness, rapid breathing, and confusion.


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