Sep 29, 2011
Get Ready, Get Set, Get Running!
A few tips to get you started if your a beginner...
Avoid eating spicy foods before running and the night before your long runs.
To aid recovery eat and drink an hour immediately after you run.
Get assessed for the right kind of running shoes.
Pick your route close to home —the more convenient it is the better chance you will have sticking with it.
Make short-term and long-term running goals.
Vary your training routes so you don’t get bored.
Join your local running club. Check with local gyms and stores in the area (lululemon, NYSC, Equinox, NYRR, etc.)
Volunteer at a race. You can meet lots of people with common interests.
Don’t compare yourself to others. The great thing about running is that it is against yourself. YOU SET THE BAR!
Follow a running blog OR better yet start your own!