Melissa Paris Fitness

Dec 05, 2013

Fight the Relationship Fat!

by Melissa Paris

Did you know that in the first year of a relationship you can gain up to 10 pounds?
From romantic meals and delicious desserts, to cozy nights in with takeout and a movie. It all adds up, and it can be difficult to get back on the wagon once you've fallen off.
We've been there and we know exactly how you feel...

I’ve created a comprehensive 5 STEP tip list that’ll get you and your boo on the right track.

1. make a protein packed meal for your lovebug…
1 egg over easy and place into half an avocado, talk about love at first site and healthy fats:-)

2. Check out your boo’s neighborhood together by going for a walk

3. Skip the sugar filled dessert and make your man a full fat yogurt parfait with blueberries.  Tasty and will leave you full for hours.

4. Suggest a run along the west side highway or a stroll along the HighLine at dawn or dusk. It will leave you satisfied with positive endorphins.

5. Sign up for a 5 or 10 k together, there is NOTHING like crossing a finish line together!!

Watch the shape video