Sep 23, 2013
Introducing the new super food hero, chia seeds! I wrote about kale and its amazing benefits, last post was about flax seed, and now chia seeds have started to gain popularity on the supermarket shelves. But chia seeds have been around for a long time. These seeds played an important role for the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans.. warriors often carried chia seeds with them and consume as little as a spoonful a day. It was known as "running food" and was known as a mega energy food!! Skim around supermarket aisles and look out for chia, chia seeds, ground chia seeds, chia bars, chia drinks, what's the big deal?? These little seeds, which comes in either white or a dark brown or black color has a huge nutritional profile. It contains calcium, manganese, and phosphorous and contains a ton of healthy Omega-3 fats.
Just a spoonful of chia makes the medicine go down!
For starters, eating just a little chia goes a long way. The maximum amount should be around one ounce, no more than that! A 28 gram, or one ounce, will give you 11 grams of fiber, about a third of the recommended daily intake for adults. Since it’s a high source of fiber, a little amount of chia seeds keeps you feeling fuller for longer and prevents you from overeating. When you wet chia seeds, they form a gelatinous substance that takes longer to digest, perfect for those who are trying to lose a few pounds.
Who needs protein shakes anymore?
Chia has a higher percentage of protein than any other grain. Chia’s protein is easily absorbed and digestible and can replace the protein supplied in protein shakes.It’s a complete protein source, with all the essential amino acids in appropriate balance. One 28 gram of chia seeds will give you 4.4 grams of protein, 10% of the daily value. I feel energized all day long without feeling the jittery effect of caffeine!
Omega- (fill in the blank)
You guessed it! Chia seeds are jam packed with Omega-3’s, with nearly 5 grams in a one ounce serving. They are the richest plant source of Omega-3, and even has more Omega-3 than salmon! The Omega-3’s in chia seeds can help reduce inflammation, enhance cognitive performance, and reduce high cholesterol.
Live long, live strong, eat chia seeds!
An ounce of chia seed daily could reduce the risk factors for heart disease in people with type 2 diabetes who are already at high risk. Chia has a lot of magnesium, potassium, and Omega-3 fatty acids, things that support a healthy heart. One study found that when people with type 2 diabetes ate three tablespoons a day, their systolic blood pressure and hs-CRP (causes inflammation) decreased significantly,possibly because their Omega-3’s increased.
Who needs Botox anymore?
Chia seeds have antioxidants that help protect the body from free radicals, aging and cancer. The high antioxidant profile also helps it have a longer shelf life. Unlike grounded flax seed, it takes a longer time for chia seeds to expire. You can have them for about 2 years without refrigeration!
Some may say it has no flavor, others think it has a slightly nutty taste. These little guys can be sprinkled or mixed in with almost anything, from puddings to baked goods to just by itself.