Melissa Paris Fitness

Jan 28, 2015

Bird Food: Seeds You Need

by Emily Jane

Quick, concise, and to the point. Here’s 5 seeds you need, today!

- You knew it was coming. Though it’s been in the spotlight as a “trending” food, these tiny seeds pack 10g of fiber into 1 serving. They also quadruple their size when soaked in liquid, making you feel fuller, longer.

- Stop picturing your grandmothers Metamucil. Flax is rich in Omega 3’s, can be used to help alleviate constipation, and keep digestive health exactly where it should be. A 2012 study by the American Heart Association finds that eating an ounce of ground flaxseed daily for six months can lower blood pressure. Some small studies find the seed might help protect against prostate cancer and a 2013 Canadian study reports a link between eating flaxseed and reduced breast cancer risk.

Sunflower Seeds:
- When they’re not laden with salt and roasted, sunflower seeds provide a generous helping of your RDA for phosphorus and Vitamin E.

Raw Pumpkin Seeds:
- Magnesium, zinc, and potassium, not to mention the lowest caloric content of the seeds mentioned.  Recent research suggests a decrease in risk of breast cancer in women who consume high amounts of pumpkin seeds.

Hemp Seeds:
- Hemp seeds, (and shelled hemp hearts), while quite expensive, are worth the extra change. They pack a potent protein and fiber profile into just 1 tablespoon. The big plus of hemp seeds, a factor that separates them from all others, is that they’re a complete protein, one of the few plant foods that contain all nine essential amino acids or building blocks of protein. Also noteworthy: generous amounts of vitamin E, plant-based omega-3 fats and minerals, including phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron and zinc. Two tablespoons contain 90 calories, 6 grams of fat, 5 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber.



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