Melissa Paris Fitness

May 20, 2015

Mommy Muscles: Core Spotlight

by Melissa Paris

Believe it or not, core work is often neglected in lieu of working muscle groups such as legs, arms, or back. This can be a grave mistake, because it is, quite literally, central to all other aspects of fitness. In fact, working the aforementioned muscle groups inadvertently works your core, which in turn, will make the rest of your body stronger, tighter, and better as a whole. Thankfully, it is one of the easiest groups to work without a gym, which means there’s no room for excuses here! If you’re not used to working your stomach muscles, you will immediately feel the amazing soreness onset after a workout, that feels almost like an internal corset holding everything together. Here are a few of my favorites for a quick core session for all the Mamas out there short on time!

Far Out Planks:

This exercise works shoulders, chest, and transverse abs.  This exercise improves core strength while in return can improve posture.  I do this exercise to complement my back exercises, (see back workout HERE), to give me a boost in my core strength and maintain strong posture.

Flutter Kicks

Works your lower abs.  This can improve that “bulge” that sometimes moms would like to shrink post baby.  I do this exercise to boost my lower abdominals and round out my ab routine.

Side Plank Elbow to Knee:

Strengthens abdominal and back muscles, specifically the transversus abdominis and rectus abdominis.  This can improve “muffin top” and I do this to get a boost in my waistline.

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