Melissa Paris Fitness

Meet Me

by Melissa Paris

So if you read my birth story you will already know that it did not go as planned. I like to consider myself a laid back person and I tend to roll with the punches. I was not that girl that walked into the hospital with a written out plan for my labor BUT I did think I would be able to have a vaginal birth. Well, that DID NOT happe; but it is OK because I have a healthy, happy, handsome little boy. Read more...

Balancing Act

by Melissa Paris

Between feeding, pumping, crying and soothing, coordinating with husband/nanny/friends/family, and then everyday life, work, maintenance, planning meals, and workouts----I think to myself “DAM what did I do with all my time before”. I sometimes don’t realize how sleep deprived I am until I pay for a coffee and leave it on the counter of Starbucks and walk out OR leave my cell phone in a cab. But somehow it all gets done, everyone goes to sleep happy (or at least for a few hours since my 9 week old wakes up 2 times to feed), and what doesn’t get done just stays on the to do list Read more...

Pregnancy Recovery

by Melissa Paris

It's been just over a month since I've given birth, and in that time I've begun to understand the art of prioritizing even more intricately than I had prior to having a baby. One of the priorities that has continued to push through time and time again, is, me. It is so important as a new mother to remember what makes you happy, because when you are at peace (even for 30 minutes between feedings), your baby, your partner, and the world, are at peace. High on my list of to do's is my health, which is composed of several key components. So I figured, halfway to 2 months postpartum, that I would share with you all what I do daily to prioritize my health. Read more...

At Home 2nd Trimester Workout

by Melissa Paris

When you enter your second trimester, you feel great. Your energy levels are up, the morning sickness has dissipated, you’re becoming accustomed to your changing body, and you finally are beginning to look and feel pregnant instead of just sick and bloated. Even so, some days, you’re short on time or you just have no desire to leave the comfy confines of the nest you are so strategically building. Here’s a quick, at home workout for, “one of those days” Read more...

Pregnancy Power Smoothie

by Melissa Paris

During your pregnancy, most likely you will hear advice coming from all sides. One piece of advice you can count on is that for your health, as well as that of the baby growing inside you, folate is a vital nutrient. This smoothie can be used as a daily supplement if you struggle to get your daily RDA of this essential vitamin. Many women are simply not taking in enough folate, which is integral in preventing birth defects. Folate is essential for complete health in both mother and baby because; It aids the complete development of red blood cells, supports the nervous system, and prevents neural tube defects in newborns Read more...

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